Andorra la Vella en flor, la vie en rose

The centre of Andorra la Vella will be in bloom again from 2 to 13 June with Jorge-sea/e floral sculptures and decorations scattered throughout the city.
Come and discover them! You will find them in some of the most iconic spots in the capital.


  1. BUGANVILLA ROSÉ. Rotonda Prada Casadet
  2. ELS JARDINS DE LES NAYADES. Plaça Príncep Benlloch
  3. FLORS SOBRE RODES. Plaça Guillemó
  4. PASSATGE DE ROSES. Roc dels Escolls
  5. BOLETS FLORALS. Bosc del Roc dels Escolls
  6. LETTRES ROSES. Av. Meritxell - Creu Grossa
  7. GIPSO PINK. Carrer Prat de la Creu, 15
  8. TAPÍS CARMESÍ. Oficina de Turisme de la plaça de la Rotonda
  9. EL CERCLE DEL BOSC. Plaça de la Rotonda
  10. PLUJA DE COLOR ROSA. Av. Meritxell
  11. EL PETIT CAFÈ DE PARIS. Av. Meritxell, 111
  12. LA PETITE MAISON DE L’AMOUR. Passatge Europa
  13. LES ESCALES FLORIDES. Carrer Sant Salvador
  14. JARDÍ GEGANT INVERTIT. Carrer Callaueta
  15. PASSEIG CARMESÍ. Parc Central
  16. UNA FINESTRA A LA NATURA. Plaça del Consell General

Don't miss the decorations and flower arrangements the shops have prepared for you!

To find out more, consult the attached document.

George Bentham, Ventureta and Frisky

Eminent nineteenth century English botanist George Bentham and Andorran heiress Ventureta will be joined by a new character who will accompany them on an exciting journey through the history and natural wonders of Andorra. Do you want to go with them?


Saturday 3 and 10 June at 12 and 6 pm

Monday, June 5 at 12 p.m

Friday, June 9 at 7 p.m

Sunday 4 and 11 June at 12 and 6 pm

45 minutes


+ info: Oficina de Turisme d'Andorra la Vella

Prior booking and limited places.

Concurs d’Instagram

Take a photo of the floral decorations and you could win a €300 voucher to spend in participating shops.

In order to participate, you must follow and mention the profile of Turisme Andorra la Vella @turismeandorralavella and tag the photo of the decorations with #andorralavellaenflor. Both types of formats are valid, both a post and an instastory. In addition, it is essential to have an open profile so that it is visible to the Comú, and thus will allow the Comú to mention and upload the image on the Andorra la Vella Tourism Instagram.

@turismeandorralavella / #andorralavellaenflor